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Monday, August 29, 2016

Creating Email Lists in Outlook

The functionality of Outlook is expanding!  We now have three different options for creating lists of contacts.  In the info-graph below we have tried our best to describe the three ways you can create contact lists and which one has the best functionality for you.  A tutorial video can be seen by clicking each image.

Distribution Lists
Distribution lists are email lists created for the global email search within Outlook.  All of EMS ISD can search for these lists.  These lists are set up by campus administration.

Groups was a new feature last year, offering you the opportunity to easily share files, calendars, and emails with the group.  *All of EMS ISD can see items shared in the group, unless the group is set to private.  Also, if you choose to create a group, be sure to give your group a detailed name so that it is not easily confused for another group. A good group name should include -  a detailed group identification name.  A good group name should not include-  a vague name with a year.  For example, EME 4th Grade is a good group name versus 4th Grade 2016.

Contact Groups
Contact groups are great for personal lists of email contacts. (only you can see these lists when created) This would include parent groups or certain staff groups you email.  This is the only option for creating email lists with outside of district email addresses.

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