Many of you may have received an email from quarantine{at}messaging{dot}Microsoft{dot}com this morning. This is a
legitimate email from Microsoft’s spam filtering system.
In an effort to cut back on some of the spam we have been receiving, while keeping the settings open enough so that we receive emails from parents, vendors, etc., the Technology Department has enabled a Spam Filtering System from Microsoft for our Office 365 email accounts. In general, suspicious messages will be automatically intercepted and quarantined before they reach your inbox. Messages containing harmful content, such as viruses, will be deleted permanently, while email with potentially untrustworthy content (spam and phishing) will be moved to a safe quarantine space.
These emails will be sent once a day to notify you of possible spam messages that have been quarantined prior to reaching your inbox. Please watch for any legitimate emails from parents or other contacts that may be caught in this system. This notification gives you the following options for managing any suspicious emails:
- To move a quarantined email to your inbox, click the Release to Inbox link
- To classify a sender as trustworthy and move their quarantined email to your inbox, click the Report as Not Junk link
- If a message is actual spam or unwanted junk mail, NO ACTION IS NECESSARY. This message will be automatically deleted in 15 days.